Facebook: Timeline in loc de Wall

Facebook Timeline


1. Conecteaza-te la Facebook

2. Activeaza modul “developer” (dezvoltator), daca nu-l ai deja. Pentru asta, este nevoie sa scrii “developer” in casuta de cautare a Facebook, sa dai click pe primul rezultat (ar trebui sa fie o aplicatie facuta de Facebook) si apoi sa adaugi aplicatia.

3. Intra in aplicatia “developer”.

4. Creeaza o noua aplicatie, pe care apoi o denumesti. Citeste instructiunile si accepta termenii inclusi in Platform Privacy. Acesta este stadiul in care este verificat.

5. Asigura-te ca esti in ecranul principal de setari ale aplicatiei. Ar trebui sa vezi numele aplicatiei tale in susul paginii.

6. Cauta header-ul (antetul) “Open Graph”si dai click pe link-ul “Get Started using open graph”. Testeaza aplicatia – poti sa scrii “read”, “book” sau “eat” a “sandwich”.

7. Mai apoi ar trebui sa ti se deschida o fereastra de configurare. Schimba cateva dintre setarile standard si da click pe toate trei pagini de setari.

8. Asteapta 2-3 minute.

9. Intoarce-te la pagina de home a Facebook-ului. Aici ar trebui sa-ti apara o invitatie pentru Timeline in susul paginii.


Introducing Timeline — a New Kind of Profile




Facebook Timeline


English version:

1. Just login to your faceboOk account and goto https://developers.facebook.com/apps

2. Add the developers application to your account by allowing the permission which it asks for

3. Then after allowing look in the top-right-ish corner and find a button to “Create New App”

4. Name it anything and enter any 8 letter word as a namespace, agree to terms and click continue

5. Now find “Open Graph” in the left side bar and click on it

6. Now in “Get Started with Open Graph” section fill in the fields anything.. for e.g people can read a blog and then click on “Get started”

7. Now on next screen do “Save Changes and Next” for all three steps.

8. Now you’ve completed the process.. wait for a few minutes and goto your home screen and you’ll get a notification inviting you to enable the new Timeline


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