Conform martorilor, participantii au incercat sa forteze intrarea din ambele sensuri spre tunel, moment in care s-a produs dezastrul. Panica generata a facut ca cei care au cazut sa fie calcati in picioare.
Prima editie Love Parade a avut loc in anul 1989 in capitala Germaniei, Berlin.
Festivalul Love Parade a fost desfiintat in urma busculadei produse in Duisburg, a scris ATB (Andre Tanneberger) pe pagina sa de Facebook.
"Tocmai am aflat informatia de la conferinta de presa oficiala. Nu se vor mai organiza alte editii ale Love Parade în viitor. Cred ca este decizia corecta", a precizat ATB.
Marii Dj ai lumii au reactionat imadiat dupa dezastrul din Duisburg de pe data de 24 iulie:
Tiesto: "I want to send my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the people who died today…I am really upset and sad about this.."
Armin van Buuren: "Wow just heard the terrible news of what happened at the #loveparade My thoughts go out to all those people affected.."
David Guetta: "What happened today is heartbreaking and unprecedented. I wont with you at Love Parade. I trust that my fans who came to dance with me, will understand why. If you are there please move slowly and safely home. My sincere sympathies to anyone who has been touched by this."
ATB: "My heart is with all the families of the loveparade victims. I´m sure you understand, why I did not played.Cant get the pictures of my head."
Sebastian Ingrosso: "I want to send my blessings to all the families and friends to the people at loveparade what a tragedy."
Fedde le Grand: "I’m deeply touched by the tragic events yesterday at the Loveparade. My thoughts are with everyone who is involved in any way. Love you all"
Marcus Schossow : "RIP to all victims at the @loveparade accident 🙁 condolance to all involved family’s and friends. I’m really angry and sad. We are such an intelligent animal,why do we have to put ourself into a situation were we stomp eachother to death? Either we start to take care of everyone around us as family or we will slowly and safely destroy the love and moral that keeps us united.The love parade was originally created in the purpose of spreading this message. Now is the time to really take this message seriously."
Roger Sanchez : "Just heard about Love Parade- my prayers are going out for the victims"

Paul van Dyk : "We are devastated by the news of what happened at the Loveparade. My thoughts and condolences go out to the families and friends of those who were lost. – Paul van Dyk and team"
Mark Knight: "Tragic day in Duisburg yesterday. My thoughts and condolences go out to those who were caught up in this terrible disaster."

Boys Noize: "I feel very sorry for what happened at the Loveparade. This is truly sad 🙁 I am NOT going to play #loveparade"
Sven Väth: " I am deeply shocked and stunned by what happened on yesterday’s Saturday on the Love Parade in Duisburg. My thoughts in these hours are with the victims and their families and friends.
I have experienced the Love Parade in Berlin, only this but also accompanied active until 2000, and I know from the event only a smooth flow, which was always enough room to dodge. Barriers and limitations appear to me personally for a crowd this size is difficult logistically feasible. The thought of the fear and panic that these young people who have really only for dancing and fun have come, must have gone through is just awful and unjust.
Sadly, it makes me feel that the Love Parade, once a peaceful demonstration for music, club and party culture and hailed far beyond our borders, comes such a dramatic and questionable end by such a gross negligence.
This great misfortune requires a complete education."