Kaiserdisco debuteaza in toamna cu My Best Friend

In No One's Shadow - Kaiserdisco

Albumul de debut se va intitula "In No One’s Shadow" si va contine si doua dintre cele mai mari succese Kaiserdisco: "Aquja" si  "Carachillo".

In No One’s Shadow – Tracklisting:

 1. Tripping Lure
 2. In No Ones shadow
 3. Dance On The Moon
 4. Simplistix
 5. Marie
 6. Legal Weapon
 7. You & Me
 8. Carachillo
 9. Hickup
10. Aguja
11. Holding Up My Life
12. Djuma Of Love

My Best Friend va lansa albumul de debut Kaiserdisco, intitulat "In No One’s Shadow" pe data de 5 octombrie 2010. 


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