In luna mai apare albumul Lovers Do semnat Bruno Pronsato

Lovers Do by Bruno Pronsato

“Lovers Do” ofera o viziune de ansamblu asupra acestor proiecte realizate de Pronsato si prezinta productii deep, techno, primul single “Feel Right” a fost lansat in luna ianuariePentru piesele din acest album a lucrat cu cu Margaret Dygas, Pheek, Vera, Marc Schneider, Ninca Leece.




Lovers Do – tracklisting:

1. Lovers Don’t
2. Anybody But You
3. Trio Out
4. An Anne Around the Neck
5. An Indication of the Cause (Part 1)
6. Feel Right
7. Winter Music for Summer
8. Lovers Do
9. An Indication of the Cause (Part 2)

Thesongsays va lansa albumul “Lovers Do” semnat Bruno Pronsato pe data de 27 mai 2011.


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