Panasonic a confirmat oficial sfarsitul Technics


Technics_1200Legendarele turntables produse de compania Technics vor deveni istorie, asta dupa ce Panasonic a facut anuntul oficial. Cele mai apreciate turntable Technics nu vor mai fi produse, singurele marci fabricate sub sigla Technics, urmand sa fie castile. In declaratia de presa a companiei din spatele producatorului Technics, gigantul Panasonic, anunta ca incepand cu toamna 2010, nu vor mai fi produse si comercializate turntableurile Technics. Decizia Panasonic a fost argumentata de scaderea dramatica a vanzarilor pentru aceasta linie de vinyluri.
Productia acestor marci are o vechime de 40 de ani, iar vestea a provocat tristete in randul Djilor din intreaga lume.

“Este o zi trista, dar decizia noastra este bazata pe scaderea globala a vanzarilor. Am hotarat sa stopam productia liniei Technics Turntables. Traim in era digitalului, care a castigat in lupta cu traditionalul”, se continua in declaratia de presa.


Declaratia oficiala:


“Panasonic has confirmed that it ceased the production of its Technics-branded analogue turntables this autumn.

After more than 35 years as a leading manufacturer of analogue turntables, Panasonic has regretfully taken the decision to leave this market. However, Panasonic will continue to sell headphones under the Technics brand.

We are sure that retailers and consumers will understand that our product range has to reflect the accelerating transformation of the entire audio market from analogue to digital.

In addition, the number of component suppliers serving the analogue market has dwindled in recent years and we brought forward the decision to leave the market rather than risk being unable to fulfill future orders because of a lack of parts.

Panasonic employees who have been working on the analogue turntable range have been redeployed elsewhere within Panasonic – many of them continuing to work in Panasonic’s Audio Video Business Unit.”


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